Guide on Conducting Tarot Readings

Cleansing the energy of your space

Before we dive into the reading, let's set the stage and get your space ready, both physically and mentally. Think of it as preparing for a special occasion. Just like you'd tidy up your living room before guests arrive, we want to cleanse the energy of your space to create a welcoming environment for our session.

To do this, you have a few options. One popular method is burning herbs, like sage or palo santo, which have been used for centuries to purify spaces. You could also try ringing a bell or chimes, which can help dispel stagnant energy. Another option is to take a relaxing bath, letting the water wash away any negativity or stress. And if you're into crystals, grab your favorite ones—personally, I'm a big fan of Selenite wands. They're like little energy wands that can refresh the atmosphere and bring clarity. Just wave them over your space, your cards, and even yourself to clear away any lingering vibes.

Once you've cleansed the energy, find a cozy spot where you won't be interrupted. This is your sanctuary for our session. Close your eyes and take a moment to clear your mind. Imagine a bubble of protective energy surrounding you, like a shield against any distractions or negativity. This is your time to focus and connect with your inner wisdom.


Shuffling and choosing the cards

Alright, let's get into the groove of shuffling and choosing the cards. It's like getting into the rhythm of a dance—you want to find your flow and let your intuition guide you.

Start by taking a few deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you do, focus on your question or the area of your life where you need some guidance. Let that intention settle into your mind and heart, keeping yourself open to whatever insights the cards might offer.

When you feel centered and ready, open your eyes and pick up the deck. Shuffle it gently, letting your thoughts drift to your question with each shuffle. There's no need to stress about how you're shuffling—just go with what feels natural to you. Trust me, you'll sense when the cards are thoroughly mixed.

Now, as you start dealing out the cards in front of you, remember that the way they land forms a kind of map—a spread—that helps interpret their meanings in relation to your question. It's like piecing together a puzzle, with each card adding a layer of insight.

It's good to have a specific spread in mind before you begin, but don't worry if you're not sure. Sometimes, the cards themselves will guide you to the right spread or suggest that you need more clarity by drawing additional cards.

So, go ahead, let your intuition lead the way. Whether it's uncovering hidden truths or gaining a fresh perspective, trust that the cards have something valuable to share with you.


Choosing a spread

So, let's talk about the spread we'll use for your reading and how deep we want to dive into your question. Think of it like choosing the right lens to focus our view.

For this session, I recommend starting with a three or five-card spread. These spreads offer a balance of depth and clarity without overwhelming you with too much information. It's like zooming in just enough to see the details without losing sight of the big picture.

Now, when it comes to reading the cards, there's a bit of a debate in the Tarot community about whether to include reversals—that's when a card is dealt upside down. Some believe reversals add valuable nuance, while others prefer to stick with the upright meanings for simplicity's sake.

Here's my take: let's focus on the upright meanings for now. As you get more comfortable with the language of the cards, you can start exploring reversals and what they might add to your readings. It's like learning a new language—start with the basics and build from there as you gain confidence.

And when it comes to framing your question, remember to keep it open-ended. Instead of asking something like "Will I get the promotion at work?" try a more expansive approach, like "What obstacles do I need to overcome to advance my career?" This opens the door to richer insights and a deeper understanding of your situation.

So, are you ready to dive in and explore what the cards have to reveal? Let's embark on this journey together and see what wisdom awaits us.


Types of Tarot reads
Past, present, and future

So, if you're just dipping your toes into the world of Tarot, starting with a simple three or five-card spread is a fantastic idea. Think of it like easing into a new hobby—you want to start with something manageable yet meaningful.

Now, these spreads can be tailored to suit whatever theme resonates with you. Whether you're seeking clarity on matters of work, love, or your spiritual path, there's a spread that fits the bill. It's like choosing the right tool for the job, ensuring that you're addressing the specific areas of your life that need attention.


Let's break it down a bit further:

A three-card spread is like a snapshot of your current situation, capturing the energies of the past, present, and future. It's a concise yet powerful way to gain insight into where you've been, where you are, and where you're headed. It's like taking a step back to see the bigger picture, helping you understand the flow of events in your life.

Now, if you're ready to dive a little deeper, a five-card spread offers a bit more nuance. In addition to exploring the past, present, and future energies, it also highlights potential obstacles you might encounter along the way. Think of it as a roadmap, guiding you through the twists and turns of your journey and offering helpful advice to navigate any challenges that arise.

So, whether you opt for the simplicity of a three-card spread or the expanded insights of a five-card spread, know that each one has its own unique benefits. It's all about finding the right balance of depth and clarity as you explore the wisdom of the cards.


3-card relationship spread

Ah, relationships—they're like intricate dances of energy and connection. And when it comes to gaining insight into the dynamics between you and another person, there's a special spread that I absolutely love. It's like peeking behind the curtain to see the inner workings of your connection.

So, picture this: you pull three cards, each one revealing a different facet of your relationship. It doesn't matter if it's a romantic partnership, a friendship, or a professional collaboration—this spread works its magic in any context where two people come together.

Here's how it unfolds:

The first card you draw represents your energy in relation to the other person. It's like shining a spotlight on your thoughts, emotions, and intentions within the relationship. This card gives you insight into how you're showing up and what you're bringing to the table.

Next, you reveal the second card, which reflects the energy of the other person in relation to you. It's like peering into their world, understanding their perspective, feelings, and motivations. This card helps you see the dynamic from their point of view, offering valuable empathy and understanding.

And finally, the third card unveils the combined energy of the partnership. It's where the magic happens—the synergy between you and the other person, the alchemy of your connection. This card paints a picture of the shared experiences, goals, and potentials that you create together.

Now, if you've been feeling a bit of distance or something just seems off, this spread acts as a guiding light. It shines a gentle yet illuminating beam on what's going on beneath the surface, giving you the clarity you need to approach the situation with honesty and openness.

Because let's face it—communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. By sharing your feelings and perspectives, you create space for understanding and growth. And with the insights from this spread in hand, you can navigate your connection with compassion and grace.


I will leave it at the 3 card reading for today as this is a guide for beginners. We will advance day by day to the more complex readings and how to do them. 


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